Heute berichten wir ueber eine sehr herzliche Familie die in Udaipur die Kunsthandwerk betreibt. Damit die Familie auch versteht was wir ueber Sie schreiben wurde der folgende Bogeintrag von uns in englisch verfasst.
Hello everybody!
Today we report about the two lovely brothers and famous artists Shyam Lal Soni and Kailash Soni. They are brothers and together with their big family including dog "Rani" they are living inwardly of Udaipur at 'Hanumanghat' directly next to the 'Dream Heaven Hotel'.
(Julia; Kailash Soni; Anne & dog Rani; Brother/ and best friend of the family; Shyam Lal Soni and his lovely wife)
We were cordially received from everyone of them and they invited us for a traditional indian meal, cooked from their lovely wifes. It was more than delicious!!!
The two daughters of the family are two of the best 'Heena-Making-Artists' whole of Udaipur, how you can see!
Everyday we are learning more and more from Shyam Lal Soni and Kailash Soni.
Today Shyam teached Julia traditional miniaturers painting.
After four hours taskwork Julias elephant of her dreams was born!
Shyam and Kailash have many many friend whole of the world. From his south-korean friends he learned "Itschy Okay" , means "everything good". We learned it also from them and now we speak one word south-korean! Lo and behold!?
We are very happy about this new Indian & German -relationship!!!
If you stay one time in Udaipur you have to visit this lovely and hospitable family!!!
With all our heart we wish each of them the best in live!!!
!!! Itschy Okay!!!